Hopefully you already know about screen, its one of the best command line utilites I use. Here is a purty screenrc for you. .screenrc
The company I work for (Absorbent Ink) that makes corporate gifts and other <a href=“http://www.absorbentprinting.com/unique_products.php” mce_href=“http://www.absorbentprinting.com/unique_products.php">personalized products. has started sending out a newsletter. Part of this newsletter process for me has been tuning one of our exim based mail servers.
Printing is a pain. I hate printers, I hate paper, but I also hate a bagillion book marks to places and things that may change over time. Its handy to have PDFs around as they are easily searchable, they preserve original layout and they print correctly when you want to print something. So for most of my printing I am printing to PDF and if I need a paper copy later I can always print out that PDF. True many applications can print or export to pdf currently. However using cups-pdf allows you to print to pdf anywhere you can print. Its great when combined with RDP too. For example at one point a freind of mine had to use GreatPlains for parts and order accounting in a production enviornment. GreatPlains allows you to print to screen in only some windows. However with cups-pdf he could print any screen he wished to pdf and view it on his screen.
If you have ever had an issue with vmware or if you have been afraid of using vmware for fear that if something goes horribly wrong you may not be able to extract the information from your vmware image then this information should help you.
Our exim mail server has been getting a bit flakey in the past several weeks. As far as I could tell it was being caused by junk mail getting caught in the queue. After a bit of research I believe I have found a combination of solutions that seems to do the trick (at least for me)
BC is a great math library. Its extremely flexible and can be easily used in scripts.
I am pulling in a few articles from my other site which are better suited here.
Well, I have been planning to launch this site for a while now. A place to pay homage to the all mighty terminal in all of its glory. Actually I’m sure some non-terminal things will get in here but really thats fine. Ultimately I hope this will be a place for people to waste a few minutes and maybe pick up a new tip.
My post on Automatic session logging and monitoring with GNU screen seems to have been well received. I have had more hits by far on that post today than ever before. I noticed a nagging issue with screen and a friend of mine Travis Cline pointed me to the fix.