Proper email form (specifically top vs bottom posting) is something that has been on my mind lately. I am trying to share the benefits of trimming and bottom posting with my co-workers. They don’t seem to be taking kindly to it.
I would say my largest pet peeve when trying to teach good email habits is the “It takes to long” comment. In a business setting this sends shooting pains through my bones. Essentially you are saying the customer is not deserving or worth the time to take a few extra seconds when crafting a response.
If your interested in what my thoughts on top vs bottom posting read on.
We will eventually go crazy without some rest. Looks like solaris cluster may have saved the day. Us Linux admins unfortunately do not have ZFS. Share and Enjoy:
I recently found a vim plug-in for WordPress. Vimpress allows your to write and edit your blog posts directly from vim. Sure it has its limitations. There does not appear to be support for future data publishing or drafts. But overall its a much better experience to write in vim than the built in editor.
I hope you are already using ssh keys, but just in case your not go ahead and generate one with ssh-keygen -t rsa (you should do this on your local box) You may as well go ahead and copy your publick key to your git server now as well. scp ~/.ssh/ gitserver:/tmp/ Log into your gitosis server ssh gitserver Make sure setuptools is installed sudo aptitude install python-setuptools git clone git://eagain.
This is just a test post from vimpress. Vimpress is a vim plugin to post to wordpress. Seems there is an issue with not supporting the more tag, but it is much easier to write a post in vim than it is to use the builtin editor.
Hopefully you know how to undo and redo in vim using u and Ctrl-R. But with newer versions of vim you get point in time recovery. with :earlier. Give it a shot, make some changes to a script and then try :earlier 1m. Very cool and an easy way to undo a bunch of changes.
Python seems to keep growing on me. By no means am I a Python master, nor am I a vim guru but I do prefer to use vim over a gui editor. Sure there are some niceties with using a gui but getting comfortable using a tool that is almost always at your disposal has something to be said for it. Adding a few things to your vim environment will make writing python much more pleasurable.
I was recently asked how I became a Systems Administrator. I answered with the normal story of my life and moved on. However, it got me thinking about what has actually led me to where I am. A colleague of mine had recently mentioned how people love top x lists and best x lists so I sat down and came up with my list of top 10 traits of a Systems Administrator.
I mentioned in my last post Shared console sessions that I would have an update to get near same functionality without setuid of the screen binary. Well here it is. Hopefully you are aware of expect and how it can be used to automate interactive programs like telnet. Expect is has many more uses that people are exploiting. Enter kibitz.
I have had several posts regarding screen. Hopefully you have already realized the greatness of screen. Screen has a great feature that allows screen sessions to be shared. To my knowledge there are two ways to use this feature. First you can connect to a screen multiple times as the same user. Second you can use the multiuser mode of screen.