Here is an easy way to configure encfs with dropbox that is compatible with boxcryptor. Boxcryptor makes Windows, Mac Android, and IOS applications to assist you in accessing data that you have stored in encfs. They do require that you create your encfs with some specific options: Cipher algorithm: AES, Plaintext or Stream encrypted filenames, No filename initialization vector chaining, No per-file initialization vectors, No external IV chaining, No block MAC headers, No per-block random bytes.

I thought it would be fun to write a CFEngine policy to set it up so here it is. Just install CFEngine 3, configure your settings in the policy file and kick it off with cf-agent -KIf ~/.cfagent/inputs/boxcryptor_dropbox_encfs. (You will need the standard library, and the policy is classed for ubuntu, but it should be easy enough to add support for another distro).

body common control {

    bundlesequence => {

    inputs => {

bundle agent main {
# Setup encfs on one of your dropbox folders for use with boxcryptor
        "settings[user]" string => "user";
        "settings[group]" string => "group";
        "settings[encfs]" string => "/home/user/Dropbox/encfs";
        "settings[mount]" string => "/home/user/Documents/Safe";
        "settings[password]" string => "supersecret";

            usebundle => install_boxcryptor,
            action => if_elapsed("360"),
            comment => "Install software to work with boxcryptor, but only
                            verify and try once every 6 hours";

            usebundle => encfs_init_boxcryptor("main.settings"),
            comment => "If no encfs is found, initalize one compatible with boxcryptor";

            usebundle => encfs_mounted("main.settings"),
            comment => "Ensure the encfs is mounted somewhere we can write to it";

bundle agent install_boxcryptor{
# This is just a meta to make sure the deps for boxcryptor are all installed

                package_policy => "add",
                package_method => apt,
                comment => "python-expect is needed for the custom
                                    scripts to initalize and mount encfs";

        # would be nice to find a dropbox fuse implimentation that works so we
        # dont have to rely on the nautilus dropbox plugin and thus be able to
        # this on a headless machine
        #"dropbox" usebundle => install_dropfuse;
            usebundle => install_dropbox;

            usebundle => install_encfs;

bundle agent encfs_init_boxcryptor(config){

        string => "/tmp/";

        comment => "boxcryptor only supports a subset of encfs options,
                    this script initalizes an encfs filesystem with those
                    options. Its an interactive process so we needed expect.",
        string => "#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import pexpect
import sys

child = pexpect.spawn('encfs $($(config)[encfs]) $($(config)[mount])')
child.logfile = sys.stdout
child.expect('The following cipher algorithms are available')
child.expect('Selected key size')
child.expect('filesystem block size')
child.expect('The following filename encoding algorithms are available')
child.expect('Enable filename initialization vector chaining')
child.expect('Enable per-file initialization vectors')
child.expect('Enable block authentication code headers')
child.expect('Add random bytes to each block header')
child.expect('Enable file-hole pass-through')
child.expect('New Encfs Password')
child.expect('Verify Encfs Password')
child.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=None)

            expression => fileexists("$($(config)[encfs])/.encfs6.xml"),
            comment => "Determine if there is an existing encfs";
            expression => isdir("$($(config)[mount])"),
            comment => "Make sure there is a place to mount the encfs";
            create => "true",
            perms => mog("700", "$($(config)[user])", "$($(config)[group])"),
            comment => "Make sure that there is a place to mount the encfs";

            create => "true",
            perms => mog("700", "$($(config)[user])", "$($(config)[group])"),
            edit_line => append_if_no_line("$(init_boxcryptor_encfs_template)"),
            edit_defaults => empty,
            classes => if_repaired("script_installed"),
            comment => "If no encfs filesystem is found place the initalization script
                        so we can execute it.";

            delete => tidy,
            classes => if_repaired("performed_cleanup"),
            comment => "Delete the temporary initalization script if an encfs already exists";

                contain => setuidgid_silent("$($(config)[user])", "$($(config)[group])"),
                classes => "initalized_boxcryptor_encfs",
                comment => "If no encfs is detected and we havent yet successfully initalized
                            one fire the expect script to do so.";


            "boxcryptor_initalize: I installed a script to do my work";

            "boxcryptor_initalize: I couldn't find an existing encfs at $($(config)[encfs]) so I initalized one";

            "boxcryptor_initalize: I cleaned up after myself";


bundle agent encfs_mounted(config){
        comment => "Mounting an encfs filesystem requires a password, this script uses expect so we can supply one interactively",
        string => "/tmp/";

        "mount_encfs_tpl" string => "#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import pexpect
import sys

child = pexpect.spawn('/usr/bin/encfs $($(config)[encfs]) $($(config)[mount])')

child.logfile = sys.stdout
child.expect('EncFS Password')
child.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=None)

            expression => returnszero("/bin/grep --silent -P ^encfs\s$($(config)[mount]) /etc/mtab", "noshell"),
            comment => "Determine if the encfs filesystem is currently mounted or not";

                create => "true",
                perms => mog("700", "$($(config)[user])", "$($(config)[group])"),
                edit_line => append_if_no_line("$(mount_encfs_tpl)"),
                edit_defaults => empty,
                classes => if_repaired("placed_script"),
                comment => "If we dont detect that our desired encfs filesystem is mounted
                                    drop the expect script in place. We use the expect script
                                    because we need to provide a password";

                delete => tidy,
                classes => if_repaired("performed_cleanup"),
                comment => "If the encfs filesystem is mounted we have no need for the mount script to be in place, delete it";

                contain => setuidgid_silent("$($(config)[user])", "$($(config)[group])"),
                classes => if_else("repaired_mount", "failed_repair_mount"),
                comment => "If the enfcs filesystem is not mounted execute our mount script";

            "boxcryptor_mounted: I installed a script";

            "boxcryptor_mounted: $($(config)[encfs]) was not mounted on $($(config)[mount]), but we fixed it";

            "boxcryptor_mounted: I cleaned up aftermyself";

            "boxcryptor_mounted: I dunno what happened, but I couldnt mount the encfs volume check your settings!";

            "boxcryptor_mounted: Everything was as expected";

bundle agent install_dropbox{
            "packages" slist => { "nautilus-dropbox" };

                package_policy => "add",
                package_method => apt,
                comment => "Install dropbox packages with apt";


bundle agent install_encfs {
# Install encfs
            "packages" slist => { "encfs", "fuse-utils" };
                package_policy => "add",
                package_method => apt,
                comment => "Install encfs with apt";

# body parts #

body contain setuidgid_silent(x,y){
    exec_owner => "$(x)";
    exec_group => "$(y)";
    no_output => "true";

# Not really useful #
# I couldnt get dropfuse to work, nor did I try very hard
bundle agent install_dropfuse{
            string => "",
            comment => "Location to get dropfuse binary from since its not packaged";

            string => "/usr/local/bin/",
            comment => "Location to install the dropfuse library";
            # TODO: find out if fuse-utils is really required for this
                slist => { "fuse-utils", "python-fuse" },
                comment => "Packages required";

            perms => mog("755", "root", "root"),
            ifvarclass => "dropfuse_installed",
            comment => "If dropfuse is installed ensure that
                            it is executable";
                package_policy => "add",
                package_method => apt,
                comment => "Install the selected package with apt if
                                   its not installed";
            expression => fileexists("$(dropfuse_bin)"),
            comment => "Determine if the dropfuse binary is installed";

            "/usr/bin/wget $(dropfuse_src) -O $(dropfuse_bin)",
            comment => "Install the dropfuse binary, its not currently
                        packaged so just get it from the authors github account";


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edit: February 27, 2012 at 2:52 pm

Thanks @highdraw for pointing out the mac installer.